

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26




Space station crew returns to a changed Earth after more than 200 days in orbit


Associated Press


A U.S.-Russian space crew landed safely Friday in the steppes of Kazakhstan, greeted with extra safety precautions brought on by a pandemic that didn’t exist when they left the Earth.


Following a stint on the International Space Station, NASA astronauts Jessica Meir and Andrew Morgan and Russian Oleg Skripochka touched down as scheduled at 11:16 a.m. (0516 GMT) Friday. Their Soyuz landing capsule landed under a striped orange-and-white parachute about 93 miles southeast of Dzhezkazgan in central Kazakhstan.


Russian officials said they took stringent measures to protect the crew amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The recovery team and medical personnel assigned to help the crew out of the capsule and for post-flight checks had been under close medical observation for nearly a month, including tests for the coronavirus.


The space crew smiled as they talked to medical experts wearing masks. Following a quick checkup, the crew will be flown by helicopters to Baikonur, from where Skripochka will be taken to Moscow, said Vyacheslav Rogozhnikov, a Russian medical official who oversaw the crew’s return.


Morgan and Meir will need to be driven from Baikonur to Kyzyl-Orda, nearly 200 miles away, to board a flight back to the U.S. — a strenuous journey made necessary by Kazakhstan’s quarantine measures.


On Thursday, the Russian government coronavirus headquarters reported the first outbreak at the Star City, which serves as the main hub for pre-flight training of U.S., Russian and other international crew members of the International Space Station. The Star City also has residential quarters for cosmonauts and support staff.

周四,俄罗斯政府冠状病毒总部报告称,"星际城 "是美国、俄罗斯和其他国际空间站乘务员飞行前训练的主要枢纽,是俄罗斯政府冠状病毒的首次爆发。星城还设有宇航员和辅助人员的宿舍。

Roscosmos Director Dmitry Rogozin said Wednesday that the Russian space corporation had 30 coronavirus cases.


The crew returned to Earth exactly 50 years after the Apollo 13 astronauts splashed down in the Pacific after an oxygen tank explosion aborted the moon-landing mission.


Morgan wrapped up a 272-day mission on his first flight into space. He conducted seven spacewalks, four of which were to improve and extend the life of the station’s Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer, which looks for evidence of dark matter in the universe.


Meir and Skripochka spent 205 days in space, with Meir carrying out the first three all-female spacewalks with her crewmate Christina Koch, who returned from space in February.


Speaking from the orbiting outpost before the return to Earth, the crew said that coming back to a world drastically changed by the pandemic will be challenging. Morgan said the crew has tried to keep atop the coronavirus news, but added that it’s hard to comprehend what’s really going on.


“It is quite surreal for us to see this whole situation unfolding on the planet below,” said Meir. “We can tell you that the Earth still looks just as stunning as always from up here, so it’s difficult to believe all the changes that have taken place since both of us have been up here.”


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Space station crew returns to a changed Earth after more than 200 days in orbit

Associated Press

A U.S.-Russian space crew landed safely Friday in the steppes of Kazakhstan, greeted with extra safety precautions brought on by a pandemic that didn’t exist when they left the Earth.


steppe /stɛp/

通常用复数,表示“大草原,干草原”,英文解释为“Steppes are large areas of flat grassy land where there are no trees, especially the area that stretches from Eastern Europe across the south of the former Soviet Union to Siberia.”

Following a stint on the International Space Station, NASA astronauts Jessica Meir and Andrew Morgan and Russian Oleg Skripochka touched down as scheduled at 11:16 a.m. (0516 GMT) Friday. Their Soyuz landing capsule landed under a striped orange-and-white parachute about 93 miles southeast of Dzhezkazgan in central Kazakhstan.

经过在国际空间站的停留,美国宇航局的宇航员杰西卡-梅尔和安德鲁-摩根以及俄罗斯的奥列格-斯克里波奇卡于周五上午11点16分(格林尼治标准时间0516分)如期着陆。他们的 "联盟号 "着陆舱在哈萨克斯坦中部的日喀则市东南方向约93英里处的橙白色条纹降落伞下着陆。


1)作名词,表示“从事某项工作(或活动)的时间”,英文解释为“a period of time that you spend working somewhere or doing a particular activity”举个🌰:

He did a stint abroad early in his career.


2)作动词,表示“节省;吝惜”,英文解释为“to provide or use only a small amount of sth”举个🌰:

She never stints on the food at her parties.


touch down

touch down就等于land,表示“(航天器)着陆,降落”,英文解释为“When an aircraft touches down, it lands.”


表示“有条纹的”,英文解释为“marked with a pattern of stripes”,如:a striped shirt 条纹衬衫。

* Soyuz 联盟号运载火箭

landing capsule 着陆舱

Russian officials said they took stringent measures to protect the crew amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The recovery team and medical personnel assigned to help the crew out of the capsule and for post-flight checks had been under close medical observation for nearly a month, including tests for the coronavirus.



stringent /ˈstrɪndʒənt/ 表示“严格的;严厉的”,英文解释为“very strict and that must be obeyed”,如:stringent air quality regulations 严格的空气质量管理条例。

The space crew smiled as they talked to medical experts wearing masks. Following a quick checkup, the crew will be flown by helicopters to Baikonur, from where Skripochka will be taken to Moscow, said Vyacheslav Rogozhnikov, a Russian medical official who oversaw the crew’s return.


Morgan and Meir will need to be driven from Baikonur to Kyzyl-Orda, nearly 200 miles away, to board a flight back to the U.S. — a strenuous journey made necessary by Kazakhstan’s quarantine measures.



表示“费力的;繁重的;艰苦的”,英文解释为“needing great effort and energy”,如:a strenuous climb 艰难的攀登。

对比:arduous /ˈɑːdjʊəs/

表示“艰苦的;艰难的”,英文解释为“involving a lot of effort and energy, especially over a period of time”,如:an arduous journey across the Andes 翻越安第斯山脉的艰苦之行。

On Thursday, the Russian government coronavirus headquarters reported the first outbreak at the Star City, which serves as the main hub for pre-flight training of U.S., Russian and other international crew members of the International Space Station. The Star City also has residential quarters for cosmonauts and support staff.

周四,俄罗斯政府冠状病毒总部报告称,"星际城 "是美国、俄罗斯和其他国际空间站乘务员飞行前训练的主要枢纽,是俄罗斯政府冠状病毒的首次爆发。星城还设有宇航员和辅助人员的宿舍。


hub一词可以理解为“(某地/活动)中心,枢纽,核心”,如:the commercial hub of the city 城市的商业中心,a hub airport 大型中转机场,举个🌰:

The kitchen was the hub of family life.

2018年8月份,经济学人(Economist)一篇提到B站的文章是这么表达的,Bilibili, an online hub for fans of comics and games. 对了,强行植入:。


表示“(前苏联的)宇航员,航天员, 太空人”,英文解释为“an astronaut from the former Soviet Union”,关于宇航员的说法,我们在长大后你想做什么?网红还是宇航员?一文中就学习过。

类似的还有:spationaut指的是“法国的宇航员,太空人”(A French astronaut)。taikonaut表示“太空人,中国宇航员”,实际上这个词是由汉语拼音taikong和astronaut缩合而成,英文解释为“an astronaut from the People's Republic of China”。


From Mandarin 太空 (tàikōng, “space”) +‎ -naut, modelled after astronaut, cosmonaut, spationaut, etc. The term was coined on 19 May 1998 by Chiew Lee Yih (赵里昱) from Malaysia, who used it first in newsgroups. Almost simultaneously, Chen Lan coined it for use in the Western media.

Roscosmos Director Dmitry Rogozin said Wednesday that the Russian space corporation had 30 coronavirus cases.


* Roscosmos 俄罗斯宇航局

The crew returned to Earth exactly 50 years after the Apollo 13 astronauts splashed down in the Pacific after an oxygen tank explosion aborted the moon-landing mission.


splash down

表示“(航天器)溅落(在海洋里);坠入海洋”,英文解释为“to land in the sea or ocean”。


表示“(使)夭折,中止”,英文解释为“to end or cause sth to end before it has been completed, especially because it is likely to fail”举个🌰:

We had no option but to abort the mission.


Morgan wrapped up a 272-day mission on his first flight into space. He conducted seven spacewalks, four of which were to improve and extend the life of the station’s Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer, which looks for evidence of dark matter in the universe.


wrap up

最近刚在CNN主播和州长兄弟直播时争宠文中出现,In a moment of levity amid the coronavirus coverage, the news anchor and the New York governor debated the family issue as they wrapped up their interview about the pandemic on CNN Monday night.

以及在中国女排十冠王文中也提到China's last opponents will be Argentina and are poised to wrap up the World Cup with all wins.

wrap up表示“圆满完成,达成(协议)”,英文解释为“to complete something successfully举个🌰:

Ministers wrap up their meeting in China today.


dark matter 暗物质

Meir and Skripochka spent 205 days in space, with Meir carrying out the first three all-female spacewalks with her crewmate Christina Koch, who returned from space in February.


Speaking from the orbiting outpost before the return to Earth, the crew said that coming back to a world drastically changed by the pandemic will be challenging. Morgan said the crew has tried to keep atop the coronavirus news, but added that it’s hard to comprehend what’s really going on.


It is quite surreal for us to see this whole situation unfolding on the planet below,” said Meir. “We can tell you that the Earth still looks just as stunning as always from up here, so it’s difficult to believe all the changes that have taken place since both of us have been up here.



表示“离奇的;怪诞的;梦幻般的;超现实的”,英文解释为“very strange; more like a dream than reality, with ideas and images mixed together in a strange way”。

「才思汇」没有一种学习 叫带你学习

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